Glossary of Waste Management terms
Learn the Waste Management lingo
To help you and your business navigate the terminology commonly used in waste management, we have provided definitions in our glossary below.

AATF stands for Approved Authorised Treatment Facility. It is a facility that is approved by the England and Wales Environment Agency to accept, treat and dispose of hazardous waste in a safe and responsible manner. |
Aerobic Decomposition |
The process of breaking down organic matter using oxygen, creating nutrient-rich soil. This process happens naturally in landfills. |
Air Classification |
A waste sorting method that uses air to separate materials based on their density. |
Asbestos |
A hazardous material commonly found in buildings that can cause serious lung diseases. To learn more about our specialist asbestos collection and disposal visit our asbestos waste disposal page. |
Aseptic Packaging |
A type of packaging that uses sterilisation to prevent contamination of the contents. |
Anaerobic Digestion |
The process linked to food/food related packaging disposal |
Baler |
A piece of equipment that will compress and form recyclable material into bales |
Best Available Technical, Resource Recovery and Treatment, a framework used to identify the most effective waste management methods. |
Bin |
A container used for waste collection and storage. Learn more about our range of waste containers. |
Bioconversion |
The process of using microorganisms to break down organic waste into useful products. |
Biodegradable |
A material that can be broken down by natural processes. |
Biostabilization |
A waste treatment method that uses microorganisms to stabilise and reduce the volume of organic waste. |
Brown Goods |
Electronic equipment, such as televisions and computers. |
Bulky Waste |
Large items of waste, such as furniture or appliances. |
Business Waste |
Waste generated by commercial or industrial operations. Learn more about the industries we service. |
Biological oxygen demand used in leachate and water sampling. |
Carbon Footprint |
The amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced by an individual, organisation, or activity. |
The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. This provides an important framework for the management of hazardous waste sites, ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to prevent and clean up contamination. |
Chemical Waste |
Waste that contains chemicals, such as solvents or pesticides, that can be harmful to health or the environment. |
Clinical Waste |
Waste generated by healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, that could be harmful to health or the environment. |
Chemical oxygen demand used in leachate and water sampling. |
Commercial Waste |
Waste generated by businesses, such as offices or shops. |
Compactor |
A piece of equipment that will compress waste so you fit more into a container. |
Compost |
Organic waste that has decomposed, producing nutrient-rich fertiliser. We produce compost available for purchase at our Parkgate Farm location from local green waste. |
Contamination |
The presence of unwanted or harmful substances, such as chemicals or pathogens. |
Cullet |
Recycled glass that is crushed into small pieces and reused to manufacture new glass products. Learn more about our glass recycling service. |
C&D |
Construction and Demolition - This is the waste where we can recover recyclable materials such as wood, metal etc. To learn more about our specialist construction and demolition waste collection and disposal visit our dedicated page. |
C&I |
Commercial and industrial waste |
Decomposition |
The breakdown of organic material by natural processes, such as bacteria. |
Diversion Rate |
The percentage of waste that is diverted from landfills through recycling or other methods. Learn more about our commitment to sustainability. |
Duty of Care |
The legal responsibility to handle and dispose of waste correctly and safely. |
EfW |
Energy from waste (incinerator). |
Environment Agency (EA) |
A UK government agency responsible for regulating waste management and other environmental issues. |
Environmental Permit Administration. |
Extended Producer Responsibility. |
Energy Recovery Centre. |
Energy Recovery Facility. |
Environmental Services Association. |
European Waste Catalogue. |
Dry Mixed Recycling, also known as general recycling, co-mingled, or MDR recycling. Includes materials such as paper, plastic, cardboard and metal cans for recycling. Learn more about our Dry mixed Recycling. |
Deposit Return Scheme. |
Ferrous Metal |
Metals that contain iron, such as steel and cast iron. Learn more about our metal recycling services. |
Fines |
Small material fragments from the screening of waste. |
Fly Tipping |
The illegal dumping of waste in public areas, such as parks or roadsides. This criminal offence is punishable by fine or imprisonment - report fly-tipping or illegal waste dumping on |
Food Waste |
Waste generated by the production, processing, and consumption of food. Learn more about our commercial food waste recycling services. |
Full solid analysis for the analysis of waste. |
Garden Waste |
Waste generated by gardening or landscaping, such as grass clippings and tree trimmings. |
General Waste |
Non-hazardous waste that cannot be recycled, such as mixed household waste. Learn about our professional general waste disposal service. |
Green Energy |
Energy generated from renewable sources, such as wind and solar power. |
Green Waste |
Organic, biodegradable waste from gardening, landscaping, and households that can be processed into compost or used for energy production. |
Hazardous Waste |
Waste that is potentially harmful to health or the environment, such as chemicals, batteries, and medical waste. Learn more about our trusted hazardous waste disposal service. |
Hardcore |
Waste material that is generated from construction or demolition, such as bricks and concrete. Hardcore can be recycled to be used as road base. Learn more about our construction and demolition waste service. |
High Density Polyethylene is a type of plastic commonly used for packaging and containers. It is recyclable and can be reused multiple times. |
Heavy goods vehicle. |
HM Revenue and Customs. |
Household Recycling Centre. |
Health and Safety Executive. |
Incineration |
A waste management method that uses high temperatures to burn waste, reduce its volume and generate energy. |
Industrial Waste |
Waste generated by industrial sectors, such as manufacturing or construction, often containing hazardous materials and metals. Learn more about our manufacturing and industrial waste management services. |
ISO9001 |
International standard for quality management systems. |
ISO14001 |
International standard for environmental management systems. |
ISO45001 |
Internal standard for management systems of occupational health and safety (OH&S). |
In Vessel Composting. |
Landfill |
A designated area where waste that cannot be recycled or reused, is buried and left to decompose over time. Strict laws and legislation are followed to ensure this area is safely managed. |
Leachate |
Contaminated water that has been in contact with waste. |
Landfill gas. |
Landfill Tax. |
Liquid Waste |
Waste in liquid form, such as wastewater, industrial effluent, and leachate from landfill. |
Loss on ignition for analysis of fines into landfill. |
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998. |
Lower rate LFT |
Inert waste landfill tax rate. |
Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) |
A facility where mixed waste is sorted and processed to recover recyclable materials. |
Mechanical Biological Treatment. |
Municipal Solid Waste. |
Non Ferrous Metal |
Metals that do not contain iron, such as aluminium, copper, and lead. Learn more about our metal recycling services. |
Organic Waste |
Biodegradable waste derived from plant or animal sources, such as food and garden waste. |
PAS 100 |
The quality standard that we aim for with our composting. |
POPs |
Persistent Organic Pollutants. |
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998. |
Refuse Derived Fuel. |
Recyclables |
Waste materials that can be reused or processed into new products, such as paper, plastics, glass, and metal. |
Recycling |
The process of collecting, sorting, and processing waste materials to turn them into new products. A common example is aluminium cans. |
Refuse |
Waste materials that are not recyclable or reusable, such as household waste. |
Reuse |
Using a product or material again for its original purpose or repurposing it - rather than disposing of it. |
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013. |
RoRo |
Roll on Roll Off (Hook Container). |
Resource Recovery Centre. |
Sanitary Landfill |
A landfill designed to safely dispose of solid waste by burying it in thin layers and covering with soil regularly to minimise environmental impact. |
Standard Industrial Classification. |
Single Stream Recycling |
A waste management system where all recyclable materials such as paper and plastic are collected together to be sorted and separated at a facility. This allows households and businesses to recycle more efficiently. |
Skip |
A large container used for the collection and transportation of waste materials. Explore our range of skips available to hire. |
Solid Waste |
Any non-liquid waste material, such as household waste and construction debris. |
Source Reduction |
The act of reducing the amount of waste generated by using less, reusing or repurposing items, and by using more sustainable products and materials. |
Standard rate LFT |
Active waste landfill tax rate. |
Sustainability |
Sustainability refers to balancing the fulfilment of our present needs without compromising our future. Learn more about Hills' commitment to sustainability. |
Transfer Station. |
Tipping Fee |
The fee charged for disposing waste at a landfill or other waste facility. |
Treatment Facility |
A facility where waste is sorted and treated through incineration, composting, or chemical treatment, in order to reduce its volume and any hazardous properties. |
Waste Acceptance Criteria. |
Waste |
Materials and items that are no longer wanted or needed and are discarded. |
Waste Audit |
A process of evaluating and quantifying the types and amounts of waste generated by a business or community to identify opportunities for waste reduction and recycling. |
Waste Hierarchy |
A framework for managing waste that prioritises waste reduction, reuse, recovery, and recycling over landfill disposal. |
Waste Transfer (note) |
An important document that waste managers use to detail the type, quantity, and movement of waste from its origin to its destination, such as a recycling facility. Recording a Waste Transfer note is a legal requirement for UK businesses when disposing of waste, more details can be found on |
Waste Stream |
The flow of waste materials generated by a particular source or location. |
Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, such as computers and mobile phones. It is important that these items are managed and recycled correctly due to the hazardous materials they contain and their potential to harm the environment. For more information on WEEE laws and regulations, visit |
White Goods |
Large household appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines, and ovens. |
The Waste & Resources Action Programme is a charity that works to promote sustainable resource management and reduce waste. Learn more about their work here. |
Zero Waste |
An approach aiming to minimise the amount of waste produced and eliminate the need for landfill by engaging in source reduction practices. |
Wiltshire County Council. |
BS06 |
6yd Builder Skip |
BS14 |
14yd Builder Skip |
CM01 |
1100ltr bin for dry mixed recycling |
CM10 |
10yd REL for dry mixed recycling |
CM14 |
14yd REL for dry mixed recycling |
CM24 |
240ltr bin for dry mixed recycling |
CM36 |
360ltr bin for dry mixed recycling |
CM66 |
660ltr bin for dry mixed recycling |
FW12 |
120ltr bin for food waste |
FW24 |
240ltr bin for food waste |
RE01 |
1100ltr bin for general waste |
RE10 |
10yd REL for general waste |
RE14 |
14yd REL for general waste |
RE24 |
240ltr bin for glass waste |
RE24 |
240ltr bin for general waste |
RE36 |
360ltr bin for general waste |
RE66 |
660ltr bin for general waste |
RO15/RO20/RO35/RO40 |
15/20/35/40yd Hook container |
Trade waste sacks |

Want to know more?
We’re experienced, local experts who understand the unique demands of waste management in the construction and demolition sector. Contact our friendly professional team today to find out how we can help you meet your waste disposal and recycling challenges.