Looking out for our neighbourhood

We’re proud to be an independent, local business serving and supporting local communities since 1900. Because the places we work are also the places we live, we’re big champions of our patch and are determined to protect and promote the regions we operate in and their people.


As a waste management business, we care deeply about limiting our environmental impact and looking after our natural world, which is why we support organisations that help us realise those aims. And we know there are passionate grass-roots heroes working tirelessly for good all over our neighbourhood, so we do our best to recognise and lend a hand to them too.


Supporting Wiltshire Wildlife Trust


Enhancing biodiversity, preventing pollution and demonstrating good environmental stewardship have always been important to our family-run business. The Hills Group has been working in partnership with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust for more than 30 years.


Thanks to our Landfill Communities Fund, we’ve been able to provide the Trust with a consistent source of income, donating £9.4 million in grants to date (31.12.23). In turn, the Trust has acquired and maintained a growing number of local nature reserves, including internationally significant sites and much-loved visitor attractions.



Educational resources


Whether it’s working with young people in schools or the employees of our customers, at Hills Waste Solutions we play a positive role in influencing good waste management habits across society.


Our experienced team of experts can also help your organisation reduce the waste it produces and keep materials out of landfill. Through our partnership approach, we can liaise with your employees to ensure they recognise how to boost your waste efficiency and sustainability.




Sponsorships and donations


We love seeing our local communities succeed, especially when that success is built on the often-unseen hard work of grass-roots volunteers. From office employees to collection crews, our team members and business regularly support local good causes through fundraising and donations.


We’re also able to put our own resources to positive use – providing compost for a hospital’s intensive-care nurses to construct a patient's garden, for example – and we’re delighted to back some of the wonderful sports teams that help bring our neighbourhood together.


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Image of an empty landfill with a circular icon displaying a waste bag

Landfill Tax Changes in April 2025: What Businesses Need to Know

March 2024

Following the 2024 Spring Budget announcement, the cost of the landfill tax is set to rise from Apri...

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A group of recyclable items, with the wording Sort your waste, Reduce, Re-use, recycle.

How Hills responsibly dispose of business waste and why it's important

February 2024

Nations, organisations and individuals are now aware of the urgent need to protect our world from th...

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Illustration depicting paper with a red cross with an arrow directed to a computer and tablet displaying a green cross to represent the transition from traditional paper-based methods to digital solutions.

Going paperless drives operational efficiencies and cost savings

November 2023

Hills Waste Solutions embraces technology enthusiastically in a number of ways across the business, ...

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